How Much Does Kybella Double Chin Treatment Cost?

What are Chin Fat Reduction Kybella Injections?
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What are Chin Fat Reduction Kybella Injections?
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How Much Does Kybella Double Chin Treatment Cost?

Kybella Double Chin Treatment Cost | Schaumburg Medical Spa | ChicagoUnsightly appearance of a double chin can compromise the overall face and neck profile. For individuals who want to avoid liposuction for chin fat reduction now have a non-surgical med spa treatment option called Kybella injections. The provider will explain about this FDA approved treatment option during the initial consultation, and will also inform its estimated costs.

The patient will be in a position to make a well-considered decision after evaluating the costs and benefits of Kybella and comparing it with other treatment options. Sky Balance medical spa, led by Dr. Sameer Naseeruddin, provides Kybella injections and various other innovative aesthetic procedures to patients in Schaumburg, Chicago, IL, and surrounding locations.


Comparing Costs with Surgery

Many patients would like to know the cost comparison between Kybella injectable treatment and liposuction surgery, which are both proven solutions for chin fat reduction. Although costs can vary from one patient to another, but in most cases, the cost of liposuction surgery will be higher than that of Kybella med spa procedure.

Liposuction surgery will usually include the costs of general anesthesia or IV sedation, which are avoided in case of Kybella. Nowadays liposuction procedure is made less invasive with advanced techniques such as laser, ultrasound or radio frequency, but the costs increase with these technologies. Liposuction will also involve surgical venue costs, where as Kybella can be performed as an in-office procedure.

Liposuction may also have additional costs during recovery, such as prescription medications, medical tests, compression garments, and post-operative appointments with the surgeon. Kybella will generally avoid all these expenses. The downtime involved in liposuction can be significant and may have cost implications for some working people. Sky Balance medical spa receives patients from Schaumburg, Chicago, IL, and nearby areas for Kybella injections.


Cost Factors

Kybella injection costs can marginally vary from one patient to another and from one practice to another. Practice location will make a difference to the costs. Practices located in major urban centers or prime cities will usually have a higher cost of living, impacting the costs of various goods and services, as compared to smaller towns in interior regions.

The extent of treatment can differ between patients according to their condition and their unique aesthetic requirements. The number of injections that a patient needs will vary according to the degree of treatment. Two to four treatment sessions may usually suffice for Kybella, but some patients may require a maximum of six sessions.

If Kybella procedure is performed in combination with other aesthetic procedures, the provider may be able to offer a special package rate or a rebate on the price. The patient should freely ask questions on the costs during the initial consultation and then choose the procedure.



The patient will usually have an option to get the Kybella procedure financed through professional medical care finance firms. These firms offer low rates of interest, quick loan approvals, and convenient monthly installments. Other financing options include credit card extended payments, traditional bank loans, and personal borrowings from family or friends.


For more information about the Medical Spa procedures and treatments performed by doctors Sameer Naseeruddin, MD ABVLM ABIM and Alison Egeland, ND contact SkyBalance Med Spa to schedule an appointment at 847.895.8180 or click here. Helping patients in and around the Chicago area.